ONE LINE SYNOPSIS. Penny Little's film "911:Dust and Deceit at the WTC" tells the story of the toxic dust and environmental disaster of 911, through the victims and experts who were involved at Ground Zero.
3-LINE SYNOPSIS. Penny Little's film " 911: Dust and Deceit at the WTC" exposes the environmental disaster of 911 through interviews with scientists, waste management specialists, government workers, volunteers, the heros and victims of the dust which permeated the air after 911. Thousands of people are ill; some have died.
FORMS: Documentary, Feature
GENRES: Educational, War/Peace, Environmental NICHES: Political
RUNTIME: 58:30
Penny Little's film" 911: Dust and Deceit at the WTC" exposes the environmental disaster of 911 through interviews with scientists, waste management specialists, government workers, volunteers, the heros and victims of the dust which permeated the air after 911.
EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman announced to New Yorkers, shortly after the 911 attacks on the World Trade Towers that ". .I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington DC that their air safe to breathe" .
There is evidence of a coverup, and a media blackout. Thousands of people are ill; some have died.
250-WORD SYNOPSIS. Penny Little's film" 911: Dust and Deceit at the WTC" exposes the environmental disaster of 911 through interviews with scientists, waste management specialists, government workers, volunteers, the heros and victims of the dust which permeated the air after 911.
EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman announced to New Yorkers, shortly after the 911 attacks on the World Trade Towers that ". .I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington DC that their air safe to breathe" and that we ". . .need not be concerned about environmental issues as [we] return to [our] homes and workplaces". At that time, she didn't have the information to support those assurances or make recommendations. The White House itself, through its Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), actually manipulated the statements being released by the EPA so as to soft-pedal health concerns.
Because of these misleading statements, the public was put at risk. This is true even though the EPA reversed course in May of 2002 and initiated an extremely limited and flawed voluntary cleanup. There is evidence of a coverup, and a media blackout. Thousands of people are ill; some have died.
Production Stills